
Facebook Posts

These files are extracted from Facebook and reconfigured as Word or pdf files with text and images.

Western Australian Wildflowers                                 September 2024

Port Stephens                                                                  June 2024

Tasmania                                                                           February 2024

North Queensland                                                           September 2023

Wairarapa Region, New Zealand                             February 2023

Alaska                                                                                   August 2022

Murray Riverland                                                          July 2022

My Lighthouse Series                                                  October 2021

Coffs Harbour Walks from my home                  April 2020

The Three Capes Walk, Tasmania                        March 2020

Tasmania                                                                         February 2020

Cambodia                                                                        August 2019

Sheffield and Isle of Man                                        June 2019

Norway                                                                            May 2019

Sheffield                                                                         May 2019

New Zealand                                                                February 2019

Italy                                                                                  September 2018

Images Only

These images are stored on Windows OneDrive. You can right click to Copy Image or download using the menu options. You might find that Windows 10 will send them to your Download file.

Western Australian Wildflowers   September 2024

Light to Light Walk, South Coast NSW  August 2021

Tasmania with Friends                February 2021

Coolah and Greenfell NSW        October 2020

Best of Cambodia                          August 2019

Best of Norway                                May 2019

Eastland New Zealand                 February 2019

Japan                                                  April 2018

Cherry Blossom in Japan          April 2018


There are also PowerPoint Slideshows that illustrate other trips available from my OneDriveby clicking on the links below. Each file is quite large and will  take a few minutes to download. Each Slideshow can then be viewed in 10 – 15 minutes.

Greek Islands Cruise                             October 2017

Crete, Greece                                            September 2017

A Coach Tour of Greece                        October 2017

Taranaki, New Zealand                         February 2017

Sunshine Coast, Queensland            October 2016

Kimberley Coast, Western Australia  September 2016

Douglas, Isle of Man                              August 2016

Canal Boat UK                                          July 2016

Sissinghurst Castle, Kent UK              July 2016

Brighton UK                                            July 2016

Brittany France                                      July 2016

Loire Valley & Bayeux, France          July 2016

Stradbroke Island                                 November 2015

Western Victoria                                    September 2015

Lord Howe Island                                 April 2015

Western Queensland                           July 2015

 Tasmania Touring                                February 2015

Ballarat &  Bellerine Peninsuala     January 2015

Travelling with Daverna New Zealand South Island    2011

If you have a Microsoft account (,,, or an Office 365 work or school account, you can view for free in a web browser by saving the file to OneDrive and using PowerPoint Online to view it.

Revised 15.07.2024